
Pittsfield township zoning map
Pittsfield township zoning map

The resulting effect is greater flexibility for uses and physical restrictions while still providing controls that maintain the continuity and character of existing developed areas. The former Zoning Ordinance contained 24 zoning districts while the newly adopted Ordinance has 14 zoning districts.

pittsfield township zoning map pittsfield township zoning map

Improve readability, organization, and usability including the use of graphicsĪs we meet these goals, the newly adopted Zoning Ordinance removes redundancies by, among other things, consolidating zoning districts.Incorporation of best practices and state statue requirements.Ensure implementation of the vision outlined in the 2010 Pittsfield Master Plan.Subsequently, the Pittsfield Township Board of Trustees approved undertaking a comprehensive revision of the Township Zoning Ordinance, the first since the 1970s, in an effort to: Pittsfield Township adopted the 2010 Pittsfield Master Plan in July 2011.

Pittsfield township zoning map